I’m a freelancer who by daytime work as a consultant leading advanced analytic teams. I’ve worked with Business intelligence for the last 23 years. Been a mentor for leaders for about 15 of those.
At evenings I enjoy playing computer- and board games with my friends, squeezing in some time to create these two podcast just because I genuinely believe in doing work that matters, in making the world better. I also enjoy a lot of family time with my gorgeous lady love and our now tree year old daughter. (In Stockholm, Sweden)


About me – longer, if you’re curious

I hid behind books and computers as a kid since they were so much simpler than humans.
I preferred helping save friends from monsters, or tweak their computer to max effect.
Now I have levelled way beyond mastering computers and help managers decode leadership and advanced analytics. My aim is to generously encourage most people I meet to find their courage and compassion, their clarity and commitment and transform insight into action - today.
In short – I guess I aim to help you dare to face the monster you carry inside to calm clarity, show you how to win the lady and be the knight in shining armour in your job – transform awareness and insight into action. I want you to win on that epic boss level nobody else dares to take responsibility for.

I´m often told that others see me as the techy nerd transformed into leadership pro. Where others shy away from complexity I will often embrace reality and simplify it – just because I genuinely love helping others, sometimes too much.

In my day job for the last 5 years I have been responsible for an advanced analytics team harnessing AND acting on the data for a global company in 60 countries. To provide better service to our customers as well as find new and better models of reality to create more revenue.
During three years before that, I was responsible for the IT that ensured that the same company had the right “brand identity” in all their labels and signs in their 4000 stores in 60 countries Thus if one of their stores couldn’t produce signs conveniently and efficiently there was no dodging that it was ultimately my responsibility to get someone to make it happen quickly since signs generate a lot of revenue, something that is very apparent when they’re not available as normal. Anything from small tiny signs to those huge multi building wall-signs.
I started working with Business Intelligence and consulting 1996 and have loved both BI and consulting and all the way since then. Especially since I realized they really all about leadership. About not confusing wanted effect with trimming efficiency without taking responsibility for, and measuring, effect.
one of my favorite quotes is by Peter Drucker: Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.

Off hours I enjoy any computer game I can play together with friends over Skype, climbing with friends or playing a board game. Probably reads an hour a day as well. Most of these activities becomes better with coffee and apple-pie with a lot of sauce. I love a good apple-pie.
I’m lucky to share the interest in gaming with my lady love and hope our daughter will share this with us as she grows up.

I strives for self-awareness, finding courage to act and embracing reality. And helping others. That is a strong core part of me that will always be there.
What do YOU strive for? What kind of person would you like to BECOME?