Podcast Stockholm

I tried to find any local podcast events in Stockholm talking about global podcasting and couldn’t find any.

Thus I will take the initiative to create for others what we’re unable to find – together with Phil Pallen. At least give it a shot. I am no event manager but we all learn by doing. Expect this to be something very small but still I would like to try since I believe in trying to help make a change for better.


Right now we’re talking about what would help people the most in such an event. If you have a specific need let us know and we might add it to the speaker-topic list.
If able I’ll email you anyway something I think might help you forward.

We’ve decided to host this event sometime during September 2016, and it will take place in Stockholm. If the interest is high we will proceed with this here

Sign up here to be alerted when the date and agenda is fully set.


What do you think the world need more of?
What small step can you to take today, towards making that happen?
Change does not have to start with a bang. A small step can make a difference with persistence, patience and trust.